05 April 2010- selepas pembentangan case study IPD
Kelas Diet 3rd year
Lusa viva (disebut 'vai-va' bukan perodua viva tu ye!), hati tak keruan. Penilaian akhir sebagai pelajar dietetik & juga penentuan kepada performance sebagai undergrad student. Adakah pengorbanan selama 4 tahun berbaloi untuk dibuktikan dalam masa 15 minit tu nanti? Saya cuba menenangkan hati walaupun ada sedikit kegusaran sebenarnya..
"Apa yang kena tanya nanti ye?" - soalan wajib
"Takut la pulak nak viva ni, banyak benda nak kena baca" - perasaan semua orang
Selepas pembentangan, saya dan rakan-rakan sekelas diberi taklimat ringkas oleh SF untuk program lusa.
"The topics are wide, cover all. from your 1st year until now. All recent update info also.. Ala, boleh punye, you all kan da praktikal.. Tapi jangan main-main pulak. It just approve for your undergrad performance. Bak kata Dr. N, you all da bagus, cuma viva ni nak buktikan pada kami yang you all bagus..."
Satu kelas terdiam sambil tersengih, dalam hati Tuhan yang tau.. Badan sangat la penat sebab ada yang tidur lewat nak siapkan slide presentation, nasib baik saya da present pagi tu. Petang cuma dengar aje la...
"Kita ada 3 panel, sorang dari luar yang da confirm, sorang lagi belum.[lagi sorang kami da tau mesti SF punye...]. You have about 1 day to make your revision. Kita undi la pulak untuk kali ni, baru best sikit.."
Saya dapat giliran yang keempat, pukul 9.45 pagi. Lega + berdebar.. Lega sebab nanti dah habis dah tak payah fikir, lagipun nanti petang mesti panel da penat..Hehe =)
Berdebar sebab nanti tak boleh dengar pengalaman orang..Huhu Mana tau kalo dapat hint skit-skit daripada yang dah sudah. Ada pro & cons nye. Bagi saya biar awal, sebab penantian itu satu penyeksaan! Nanti da habis boleh makan dengan selesa [cuba menyedapkan hati...]
Semasa balik ke mahallah sume tertanya-tanya sape la panel esok..Hati saya kuat menyatakan Dr N kot yang tak confirm tu, tapi tak yakin sangat sebab tahun lepas 2 orang panel dietitians dari luar..
Balik mahalllah rehatkan otak...(malam tu belek-belek sikit nota-nota lama sambil tertidur...)
Esok pun tak tenang lagi.. [makan agak tak kenyang, tidur makin lena]... Tapi tak la pulak membaca dengan tekun! Haishhh!!
Malam itu...
"H, ada nombor MU tak?" tanya MY.
"Dah try contact MU, tapi tak reply la pulak.." kata MY, macam penting je bunyinye..
"Kenapa MY? macam penting je..", saya cuba mencelah.
"Tak de, nak tanya budak UKM diorang ada tak lecturer nama Dr. R. Tadi bro jumpa Dr N kat kafe, kalau tak silap Dr R antara panel kita esok. Saja la nak tau dia interest part mana..", saya terkesima, teringatkan kawan-kawan UKM yang sama-sama praktikal di Sg Petani.
Serta-merta saya menelefon kawan saya D di KL
Maklumat yang kami dapat:
Maklumat disebar ke serata alam..biasalah apa yang penting, KERJASAMA!! [tapi saya tak yakin sangat, takkan la dalam masa 15 minit tu topik yang tu je nak tanyakan..]
Pagi - pagi lagi lepas subuh dah telefon mak & ayah mintak doakan..
"Iye, kami baru lepas baca yaasin untuk angah ni. Jawab elok-elok," pesan mak. Hati saya tenang sikit =)
Bergerak ke KOM seawal 9.00 pagi [awal betul]. Hanya Tuhan aje yang tahu bertapa lajunye jantung ni berdegup! Dalam hati tak henti-henti baca Surah Al-Insyirah mohon dipermudahkan & Rabbisy rahli supaya dilancarkan pertuturan.
Calon pertama da lepas... Kedua... Ketiga... Sampailah giliran saya...
Masuk bilik viva dengan senyum [untuk hilang nervous sebenarnye!]
Seperti yang saya jangka, 3 orang panel untuk viva batch kami macam tahun lepas. Dr N, SF dan sorang lagi saya tak kenal
*****saya pun tak terfikir macam mana Indian boleh menjadi topik utama dalam viva ni*****
Dr N: How about HUSM?
Me: In HUSM, we rotated for 4 units; ICU, pediatric, burn and CCU, and surgery about 1 week for each unit. Many cases there, one of the cases that I never forget is in ICU where the patient has COPD transferred to ICU for ventilation. Anaest want to give Pulmocare to this patient due to his condition, but dietitian suggest to give Glucerna RTU which considered patient has DM too. Both products has low CO2 (about 5% difference, but Glucerna RTU is low GI.
Dr N: So, what do you think to overcome this problem for the next time?
Me: I think, to overcome this problem we should control his blood sugar. Because if blood sugar high, patient has high risk for infection, and if the infection occurs in the lungs may worsen the patient's condition. [seriously, I'm not really understand what the question about].
Dr N: Yea, how do you manage this case?
Me: May be reduce his weight too. Emm.....
SF: For the dietary aspect, what do you think. Because patient you said want to control blood sugar but how?
Me: Emm...I advise on diabetic diet [takkan nak tanya DD kot? Confuse..]. Emphasize on regular meal timing, avoid simple sugar, educate on CHO portion size and distribute evenly throughout the day. Increase fiber intake...
Dr R: What type of fiber?
Me: Soluble fiber....
Dr R: Example?
Me: Oats, nuts, barley..[not confident enough, sebab da tak berapa nak ingat!]
Dr N: You said that to reduce the weight, do you think that patient can do exercise? [alamak! menjerat betul..]
"Dah try contact MU, tapi tak reply la pulak.." kata MY, macam penting je bunyinye..
"Kenapa MY? macam penting je..", saya cuba mencelah.
"Tak de, nak tanya budak UKM diorang ada tak lecturer nama Dr. R. Tadi bro jumpa Dr N kat kafe, kalau tak silap Dr R antara panel kita esok. Saja la nak tau dia interest part mana..", saya terkesima, teringatkan kawan-kawan UKM yang sama-sama praktikal di Sg Petani.
Serta-merta saya menelefon kawan saya D di KL
Maklumat yang kami dapat:
- Dr R ajar diorang community, specialist in special / disabilities kids e.g.: down syndrome, cerebral palsy, etc
- Beliau suka provoke orang, suka tanya soalan sampai da tak boleh jawab [waaa takutnye!!!]
- Beliau seorang yang baik tetapi tegas
Maklumat disebar ke serata alam..biasalah apa yang penting, KERJASAMA!! [tapi saya tak yakin sangat, takkan la dalam masa 15 minit tu topik yang tu je nak tanyakan..]
Pagi - pagi lagi lepas subuh dah telefon mak & ayah mintak doakan..
"Iye, kami baru lepas baca yaasin untuk angah ni. Jawab elok-elok," pesan mak. Hati saya tenang sikit =)
Bergerak ke KOM seawal 9.00 pagi [awal betul]. Hanya Tuhan aje yang tahu bertapa lajunye jantung ni berdegup! Dalam hati tak henti-henti baca Surah Al-Insyirah mohon dipermudahkan & Rabbisy rahli supaya dilancarkan pertuturan.
Calon pertama da lepas... Kedua... Ketiga... Sampailah giliran saya...
Masuk bilik viva dengan senyum [untuk hilang nervous sebenarnye!]
Seperti yang saya jangka, 3 orang panel untuk viva batch kami macam tahun lepas. Dr N, SF dan sorang lagi saya tak kenal
SF: Nadirah, how are you today?
Me: Alhamdulillah, I'm fine, thank you. [da cool sikit]
SF: OK, today we have Dr N, our lecturer and another one Dr R, senior lecturer and dietitian from UKM [glup!! tepat sekali jangkaan kami. cuba menenangkan diri. Betulkan kedudukan badan supaya tak terasa ada gap antara kami]. Please tell us where are you posted for the whole year?
Me: For this semester or for the whole year? [seriously tak percaya soalan ni, sebab 1st sem mesti la kat Kuantan ni...].
Dr R: For the whole year...
Me: Owh, last semester, I made my clinical attachment at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan Kuantan for IPD, Poliklinik Komuniti Beserah and Klinik Kesihatan Bandar Kuantan for OPD. For this semester, for IPD and OPD at Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim, Sungai Petani. And Special Units at HUSM Kubang Kerian.
Dr. R: Where are you from?
Me: I'm from Perak.
Dr R: Owh, means that you were traveling for the whole final year! [memang muka Dr sangat terkejut!]
SF: Yeah, she's the only one who traveling among their batch. [Tersangatlah malu masa tu, nampak sangat kuat berjalan-jalan melihat alam...]
Dr N: Could you tell us what are the special about Sg. Petani? [apa yang special ni sambil memikirkan jawapan...]
Me: For our information, majority of the people in Sg. Petani are Indian, because Sg Petani was actually 'ladang' area before. And currently, Malays also become majority but they are living in housing area [dengan penuh confident menjawab- sememangnya saya teringat pebualan dengan taxi driver semasa menemani Su mengambil parcel]
Dr N: Owh, we still remembered our 1st Indian dietitian was posted in Sg Petani long time ago (sambil memandang ke SF)
SF: ???
Dr N: Mageswary... ;) So, what are the common cases that have been seen there and why this happened you think?
Me: Childhood obesity! In my opinion, most of the cases due to inactive lifestyle and also food choices. In most of the cases that I managed, children today preferred to fast food and physically inactive because both of their parents are working.
Dr N: So, what are the common diseases among Indian you think? You said that most of your patients are Indian right. [rasa macam dah terjerat..tak pe, rileks2..]
Me: Emm, like other places DM, hypertension, CVD, renal, GDM perhaps [ada keraguan di situ...]
Dr N: Why do you think? Is it childhood obesity cases common among Indian?
Me: May due to the food; they used santan in the food....
Dr N: But Indian don't use santan right in their curry... [alamak terkantoi...]
Me: Emmm, that's right they don't use santan in curry. But their food high in fat like nasi beriyani.. Most of childhood cases among Malays. I think this happens due to sedentary lifestyle. Most Malays live in housing area, some in quarters. Both parents are working, so they worried to allow their childen playing outside.
Dr R: What are you feeling in managing Indian patients? Do you feel any difficulty?
Me:Ya, for me language barrier is one of the difficulties in managing Indian patients. Some of them don't know to speak Malay or English. But some of them bring their son or daughter during counseling session. And another difficulty is food. They don't understand what are the food that have been eaten.
SF: They don't understand or you don't know about the food [Glup! kaw betoi soalan nih!]
Me: Yeah, in beginning I'm also don't familiar about their food and they also don't understand what are the questions asked. So, I have to show them pictures of food and portion size to help them during counseling session.
Dr N: But Indian don't use santan right in their curry... [alamak terkantoi...]
Me: Emmm, that's right they don't use santan in curry. But their food high in fat like nasi beriyani.. Most of childhood cases among Malays. I think this happens due to sedentary lifestyle. Most Malays live in housing area, some in quarters. Both parents are working, so they worried to allow their childen playing outside.
Dr R: What are you feeling in managing Indian patients? Do you feel any difficulty?
Me:Ya, for me language barrier is one of the difficulties in managing Indian patients. Some of them don't know to speak Malay or English. But some of them bring their son or daughter during counseling session. And another difficulty is food. They don't understand what are the food that have been eaten.
SF: They don't understand or you don't know about the food [Glup! kaw betoi soalan nih!]
Me: Yeah, in beginning I'm also don't familiar about their food and they also don't understand what are the questions asked. So, I have to show them pictures of food and portion size to help them during counseling session.
*****saya pun tak terfikir macam mana Indian boleh menjadi topik utama dalam viva ni*****
Dr N: How about HUSM?
Me: In HUSM, we rotated for 4 units; ICU, pediatric, burn and CCU, and surgery about 1 week for each unit. Many cases there, one of the cases that I never forget is in ICU where the patient has COPD transferred to ICU for ventilation. Anaest want to give Pulmocare to this patient due to his condition, but dietitian suggest to give Glucerna RTU which considered patient has DM too. Both products has low CO2 (about 5% difference, but Glucerna RTU is low GI.
Dr N: So, what do you think to overcome this problem for the next time?
Me: I think, to overcome this problem we should control his blood sugar. Because if blood sugar high, patient has high risk for infection, and if the infection occurs in the lungs may worsen the patient's condition. [seriously, I'm not really understand what the question about].
Dr N: Yea, how do you manage this case?
Me: May be reduce his weight too. Emm.....
SF: For the dietary aspect, what do you think. Because patient you said want to control blood sugar but how?
Me: Emm...I advise on diabetic diet [takkan nak tanya DD kot? Confuse..]. Emphasize on regular meal timing, avoid simple sugar, educate on CHO portion size and distribute evenly throughout the day. Increase fiber intake...
Dr R: What type of fiber?
Me: Soluble fiber....
Dr R: Example?
Me: Oats, nuts, barley..[not confident enough, sebab da tak berapa nak ingat!]
Dr N: You said that to reduce the weight, do you think that patient can do exercise? [alamak! menjerat betul..]
Me: Emmm.. patient has to get permission from the doctor first for exercise. If the doctor allow, he should start with light exercise like walking for 30 minutes per session, 3 times per week.
Dr N: Ok Nadirah, what would you plan after this?
Me: I want to be a dietitian! Yeah, clinical dietitian... [rasa segan nak jawab, sambil memandang ke SF sebab terasa sangat la tak layak nak jadi dietitian..Huhuhu]
Dr R: Owh, dietitian! Lecturer tak nak jadi?
Me: Ermmmm, lecturer ok jugak la... Either one, dietitian or lecturer. It's Ok for me. But, I'm prefer to be a community dietitian.
Dr R: Ahhh, interesting! Why?
Me: For me because be a community dietitian we make a prevention before the disease happens, but we only able to control the disease in IPD or OPD setting because the disease is already occurred. [jawapan yang tak tahu di mana sumbernya, cadang nak jawab relate dengan research. Tapi takut panjang la pulak sesi viva ni nanti]
SF: Ok Nadirah, we wish you all the best in your future. Good Luck! Tolong panggilkan Sy***** ye...
Dr N: Ok Nadirah, what would you plan after this?
Me: I want to be a dietitian! Yeah, clinical dietitian... [rasa segan nak jawab, sambil memandang ke SF sebab terasa sangat la tak layak nak jadi dietitian..Huhuhu]
Dr R: Owh, dietitian! Lecturer tak nak jadi?
Me: Ermmmm, lecturer ok jugak la... Either one, dietitian or lecturer. It's Ok for me. But, I'm prefer to be a community dietitian.
Dr R: Ahhh, interesting! Why?
Me: For me because be a community dietitian we make a prevention before the disease happens, but we only able to control the disease in IPD or OPD setting because the disease is already occurred. [jawapan yang tak tahu di mana sumbernya, cadang nak jawab relate dengan research. Tapi takut panjang la pulak sesi viva ni nanti]
SF: Ok Nadirah, we wish you all the best in your future. Good Luck! Tolong panggilkan Sy***** ye...
Sudah hampir sebulan peristiwa tu berlalu.. 'Ala kulli hal alhamdulilllah..Itulah penangan viva yang layak dikenang. Jom kita tengok komen daripada pensyarah!
* Viva merupakan peperiksaan lisan (ala-ala temuduga) yang merangkumi semua topik dari tahun 1-4 serta info terbaru dalam bidang yang kami ceburi... kalau tak silap saya, viva juga merupakan penilaian wajib bagi menentukan kelayakan kami sebagai ahli profesional di masa akan datang...
Bagi saya, sesi viva bukanlah satu sesi yang menakutkan seperti yang saya fikirkan sebelum ni. Tak lah bermakna tak perlu buat apa-apa persediaan langsung, cuma ketenangan hati sangatlah diperlukan saat tu. Kalau tenang, InsyaAllah akan datang mencurah-curah idea masa tu. Tapi kalau kalut, soalan yang senang pun jadi payah... Lagi satu, masa praktikal buatlah bersungguh-sungguh. Info yang dapat terus ingat dan praktis dengan teori yang belajar sebelum ni. Bila faham keseluruhan konsep, InsyaAllah boleh apply dalam apa jua keadaan. Lagi satu kena cepat bertindak [maknanya berfikir sambil bercakap] dan berhati-hatilah dengan apa yang dicakapkan... Alhamdulillah Allah lancarkan pertuturan, dan permudahkan segala kesusahan di saat itu! ALLAHU AKBAR!!
hehe.. pengalaman.. pengalaman.. btw nadirah, Dr Azdie ade link ur blog dlm link die.. WOW!. lecturer link student!!
Ha?! iye ke ayat! mesti sebab kite suka baca blog dia tu... malu la pulak rasanya, dengan pengalaman yang sangat sikit nih...
kak nadirah, best2! cerita la lagi pglmn posting pulak..mesti macam2 kan..apepun, tahniah akk, dan kwn2 akk yg lain! mar doakan impian akk tercapai dan dipermudahkanNya..ameeen! ^_^
gudluck nadirah! =)
Mar, xde la..besa2 aje. Pengalaman orang lain2, xcaye tanya kak ayat =)
InsyaAllah, kalau ada kelapangan akak tulis. Ni pun dekat seminggu jugak nak habiskan menulis! hehe...
TQ cah..Good luck utk awak jugak =)
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